International news production in post-Soviet Ukraine: Where is the ‘center’?


  • Natalya Ryabinska University of Euroregional Economy


international communication, foreign news production, post-Soviet media, Ukraine, Russia, news flows


This paper focuses on the geography of news sources and news flows, which are involved in international news production in Ukraine. It seeks answers to the following questions: which sources – Western-based media and global news agencies or their competitors from other parts of the world (first of all from Russia) – are preferred in the making of international news in Ukraine? What are the possible reasons of this preference? How does information on foreign affairs created by abroad news producers reach Ukrainian newsrooms? The analysis is based on interviews with 35 media experts and news producers at major Ukrainian broadcasting organizations, as well as from print and online media. The interviewees ― editors-in-chief, heads of international news’ departments, foreign correspondents ― were asked about the process of international news production in their editorial offices, the human and technical resources allocated for foreign news coverage, the professional standards of international journalism, as well as the main sources of foreign news and criteria of their selection involved in the news making process. An important finding of the presented research is the conclusion about indirect, or circuitous movement of foreign news from international news agencies to the Ukrainian media. Because of the peculiarities of Ukrainian news production described in the paper, news from Reuters or Associated Press regularly reaches Ukrainian editorial offices after it has been processed by Russian newsmakers.


Natalya Ryabinska, University of Euroregional Economy

Natalya Ryabinska holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She teaches at the University of Euroregional Economy in Jozefow (Poland) and at the journalism master’s degree program of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv (Ukraine). In 2011 she delivered the course “Ukrainian media change in East-Central European Prespective (Old and New media)” to PhD students in Mass Communication at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine. The course was designed by her under the support of Course Development Competition (CDC) grant at Central European University. Her research interests include transformation of mass media in East Central Europe and New Independent States, media and democracy, international communication.



Ryabinska, N. (2012). International news production in post-Soviet Ukraine: Where is the ‘center’?. Global Media Journal - German Edition, 2(2). Abgerufen von